Welcome To HeartSpace
Clarity Cafe!
When was the last time you did something
for the first time?
Current Classes:
Infusion Fitness
Can you remember who you were before the world told you should be?
Infusion Fitness is a movement class for any body, of any age, size, or any fitness level.
It is not about pressure, getting it right or comparing. It is about listening to our bodies, trusting our intuition and giggles. Movement infused with self-kindness, self-generosity, self-compassion and self-love! Try it! You’ll like it!
When you step into the HeartSpace Clarity Cafe and see people around you who are just like you, people who don’t know anything at all about “how” to dance and yet are moving the joyous heart out through the body, you will hear and feel the invitation. You will realize what complete acceptance and non-judgment feels like.
See you on the dance floor!
No commitments. Come when you can and drop $10 in the donation box in the studio to help support the space.
This class is offered on Mondays and Fridays from 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Kindly sign-up using the Cafe Classes button below.
Friday Free Dance
Dance Now, Exercise Later!
Third Friday of the month an eclectic playlist will move you,
groove you and smile you as we play under the stars.
Door unlocks at 6:45 pm and
I will lock up at 7:05 pm and join the group in the studio.
No need to impress only express.
Music will slow and stop right about 8:30pm
All are welcome!
Please sign up, limit is 10 participants.
Next event scheduled for:
May 16, 2025
9:00-10:00 am
Infusion Fitness with Jori
9:00-10:00 am
Infusion Fitness with Jori
Specialty Classes
Next specialty class TBA
Next Workshop TBA
About HeartSpace Clarity Cafe
HeartSpace Clarity Cafe is a portal between the worlds where we can be transported into a world of presence and can experience the wild and vibrant life that we are. The Cafe is for anyone that is by nature curious. It is for you if you like to try new things, meet new people and where the touch of freedom creates greater Life Giving, Heart Centered Living.
HeartSpace Clarity Cafe is a place to get lost. Allowing lost to be an opening for exploring and expression. Coming soon will be playshops, workshops and circles. A space for you to try on, experiment and find the pure enjoyment of letting go and having fun. Share, support, receive. A writers circle, connecting with the season changes through ritual, a book club with a focus on social justice. So many ideas!